In 2013 Clara graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona.
When she finished, she received a grant from the Fundación CIEC (International Center for Contemporary Printing) of Betanzos (Galicia) to complete a module of the Master in Graphic Work.
During the years that Clara lived and studied in Barcelona, she became interested in contemporary circus and performing arts. In 2013 she moved to Belgium and took part in the theater and circus production En Route, directed by Ine Ubben. In 2018 Clara graduated at the Academy for Circus and Performance Art (Tilburg,NL)

In February 2017, together with the dancer Martina Gunkel, they created the company Efecto R and the performance It is there. Just around the corner, which premiered in October 2018 at the Circolo Festival (NL).
She has worked with the circus and dance company Panama Pictures (NL) on the site-specific performance Urban Fiction and on the piece After Midnight (part of Road to Panama 2019)

Now she is working together with the actress Gemma Sastre on the piece ‘És el moment’. The text was selected for the second prize theater
text En-Viu (Mallorca). With the artist Moritz Grenz in the project HEDONIA and in collaboration with Ine Uben for the one-on-one performance NICE TO MEET YOU. 

El 2013 es gradua en Belles Arts a la Universitat de Barcelona. Al finalitzar rep la beca de la Fundación CIEC (Centro Internacional de la Estampa Contemporánea) de Betanzos (Galícia) per realitzar un mòdul del Máster sobre la Obra Gráfica.
Durant els anys que viu i estudia a Barcelona s’interessa pel circ contemporani i les arts escèniques. Al 2013 va a Bèlgica i forma part de la producció de teatre i circ En Route, dirigida per Ine Ubben. Al 2018 es gradua a l’Academy for Circus and Performance Art (Tilburg, NL).

Al febrer de 2017, juntament amb la ballarina Martina Gunkel, crea la companyia Efecto R i l’espectacle It is there. Around the corner, que s’estrena a l’octubre del 2018 al festival Circolo (NL) i a Catalunya el març del 2019 al Teatre Atlàntida de Vic.
Ha treballat amb la companyia holandesa de circ i dansa Panama Pictures en la site-specific performance Urban Fiction i en la peça After Midnight (part de Road to Panama 2019).

Actualment treballa amb l’actriu Gemma Sastre en la peça És el moment. El text de la qual ha estat finalista del 2n Concurs de textos teatrals En Vi-u (Mallorca). Amb l'artista de circ Mortiz Grenz en el projecte HEDONIA i en col.laboració de l'Ine Uben en l'espectacle individual NICE TO MEET YOU. 
+34 659647725